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Results for "keyword: "Consumerism", latest_content: 1"
Asteroid City A play within a film about learning to see the world and all its surprises with wide-awake eyes.
White Noise An unforgettable movie about family, disasters, consumerism, addiction, and finding meaning in surprising places.
Ascension A dazzling and enlightening documentary on China's capitalism, consumerism, and economic growth.
The Social Dilemma Explanations and predictions from some of the creators of social media about the consequences of our growing dependence upon digital communications.
The Letter A potent and scary parable about the harm spread by those who see the world as an evil and demonic place.
Planet of the Humans A delusion-shattering documentary on how the environmental and green energy movements have been taken over by capitalists.
Gift A documentary showing how art keeps moving in circles of sharing, giving, and generosity.
Tidying Up with Marie Kondo Eight-part series in which the tidying expert helps clients come to a spiritual relationship with their possessions.
Complicit A riveting documentary about the abuse of migrant workers in large Chinese factories.
Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story A spunky and edifying documentary on the epidemic of food waste in America.